Dear Parents and Friends of St Augustine’s,
On behalf of the governors, staff and pupils of the school, I would like to welcome you to our website and recommend that you read through the information provided, as it gives a little of the atmosphere of St Augustine’s. It is very difficult to put this ‘ethos’ into words, all I can say is that staff and governors are all deeply committed to a caring Christian approach to the children and their learning and we recognise that we are all part of the Christian community of St Augustine’s parish. It is essential to maximise each child’s potential, that we all work in co-operation with each other, and to that end parental involvement is positively encouraged here.
As headteacher of St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School I appreciate the tremendous amount of goodwill and co-operation of parents, governors, staff and pupils. I have no hesitation in recommending St. Augustine’s to parents of any prospective pupil based on this experience. St. Augustine’s, as well as being a shining example of God’s love in the community, has been at the forefront of primary education in West London for many years and will continue to stay there.
Our PTA is one of the most active and enthusiastic group of parents in the borough - constantly thinking of ways for the children and families of St Augustine's to have fun and raise money for the school. This, however, is not the main role of our PTA; this is for the families to get to know each other better and enjoy the events we have.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Kincaid