
St Augustine'sCatholic Primary School

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Through a positive caring environment, we provide an opportunity for every child to reach their full potential in Science. We help develop their understanding of life cycles, habitats, conservation and global issues through scientific process, incorporating Christian values and ensuring that all children are ready for their next steps.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Science in Reception:


Below are some key skills/knowledge the children will be covering in our reception class:


  • Make simple predictions about what they think
  • might happen
  • Carry out simple investigations in a small group
  • Explain why something happened and use this to predict what might happen next/change
  • Identify, compare, classify and group a variety of places, objects, materials and living things
  • Talk about changes, including the seasons
  • Talk about their immediate environment and compare it to other environments
  • Animals, including humans
  • Everyday Materials
  • Seasonal Changes


Science Five Year Plan
