
St Augustine'sCatholic Primary School

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St. Augustine's 2025

Welcome to St. Augustine's 2025 


On 31st March 2021 we launched St. Augustine's 2025, a fundraising initiative where we are hoping to raise £100,000 to either install, develop or improve 5 areas of our school:


  • The science Garden 




  • The school library and outdoor well being area




  • Our multi-purpose room (now currently the IT suite)



  • Our prayer Garden




  • The outdoor activity area for children




You will find more information in the letter below and our brochure identifies the areas and gives more details about how we wish to improve them.


We are asking people to donate money to the school, but if you feel that you can help in any way indicated in the letter below please contact the school.


I look forward to informing you of our progress.


Mr. M. Kincaid

Letter Announcing the start of St. Augustine's 2025

Our Brochure - Why are we raising money?
