
St Augustine'sCatholic Primary School

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Governing Body



We are part of the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust (SJSCAT), a multi-academy trust in the Diocese of Westminster.

A Board of Directors governs the Trust and is legally responsible for our school and other schools in the Trust. It is the key decision-making body and has three core governance functions: ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding executive leaders to account for the operations, performance and finance of the Trust and meaningful engagement with the Trust community.

The Board has appointed a Local Governing Body to conduct core governance functions in our school.  Local governors, appointed or elected from different parts of our school community, serve on our local governing body. The local governing body meets twice a term to conduct business. Some aspects of its work are carried out by sub-committees or by link governors who visit our school to focus on particular areas.


Chairperson of Governors

Mr J Creak


Foundation Governors

Fr Tomas
Mr J Sanchez

Mrs A Connell


Parent Governors

Ms N Greenwood

Mr B Baillie 


Co-opted Governor

Mrs A Peebles


Staff Governor

Miss L Fenwick


Clerk to the Governors

Ms B Jegede-Luis
