
St Augustine'sCatholic Primary School

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Our aim is for all pupils of St Augustine’s to leave us with a firm grasp of key concepts in Maths. We also hope to foster confidence and a love of learning in Maths. In order to do this, we ensure that high quality teaching of Maths takes place using a Mastery approach. This approach benefits all children, with a wide range of abilities, ensuring they are secure in their Maths knowledge and are confident in applying this knowledge in a range of contexts. It also allows for opportunities to deepen and extend the learning.


Children are given cross-curricular opportunities to apply their skills throughout the year, for e.g during science lessons and investigations, design technology projects or through participation at school fairs.

We are well resourced, ensuring all classes have access to a wide range of concrete mathematical resources to develop their learning. We utilise ICT effectively to enhance learning and use the online learning platform, Times Tables Rockstars, to support children’s learning of Times Tables.


We believe firm foundations in Maths is the key to success and have worked hard to ensure that all of the appropriate building blocks are in place to allow all children the opportunity to experience success in maths.
