
St Augustine'sCatholic Primary School

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What is a Giving Day?

Below you will find answers to many common questions about St Augustine’s Giving Day


What is St Augustine’s Giving Day?

It is a 36-hour focused challenge to bring together pupils, staff, parents, and Governors, both virtually and physically, to celebrate and fundraise in the spirit of all that is outstanding about St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School. All the money raised will go towards the Helping Hands Fund.


What is the Helping Hands Fund?

The Fund is to improve provision for our pupils and ensure we can give them the best possible educational and extra-curricular experiences. Through the collective effort of the entire community, we can help to ensure that St Augustine’s continues to be the wonderful Catholic school we all know and love, which offers a fantastic education and opportunities to all pupils, regardless of their background.    


Where will my donation go?

All donations will go into the Helping Hands Fund which will go directly back into the school. We are aiming to raise £5,000 to provide our school with class iPads as well as the protective cases and charging equipment needed to go with them.


How can I get involved?

  • Spreading the word amongst friends, family, and fellow parents
  • Following our progress on Instagram, liking, and sharing our posts, or posting using the hashtags #StAugustines60 #HelpingHands
  • Supporting your child taking part in our in-school challenges


Can I choose which area my donation supports?

Your donation will go to the Helping Hands Fund for the school. If you have a particular area of the school, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss this further.


Is it safe to make my gift online?

Yes, all payments through our website are securely processed by reCAPTCHA. Alternatively, you can make any cash donations at the community coffee morning.


All donations will come through the Saint John Southworth Foundation (charity number 1121531), meaning we can also claim gift aid to benefit pupils further.


Can I make a recurring gift to St Augustine’s?

This would be wonderful! A regular monthly pledge of a gift to the school is transformative to our fundraising campaign. Get in touch to set up a regular gift.


Is there a minimum donation amount?

There is no minimum amount. We are very grateful to all our donors for supporting Giving Day in any way they can. We value every contribution and thank our community for their support.


Can I see my gift on this website?

All gifts are anonymous for the Giving Day event.


How do I get in touch?

Please email us to discuss anything at all.


Where can I donate?

Donations can be made by credit or debit card here. Alternatively, you can donate via the Arbor Parent App.


Thank you for all your support to St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School.

#StAugustines60 #HelpingHands
